Saturday, July 10, 2010

I am lucky

I recently joined one of the largest companies making enterprise software in ERP domain. Last few months have been like a revelation. I have traveled a lot for paperwork,interviews etc, spoken to a lot of people.

To be frank, I come from humble background. However of late, I have traveled largely in AC, shopped in malls and stayed in guest-house (largely on my employer's money). So there are people like me who know ye 'sab moh-maya hai' but are trying to learn the new ways, at the same time knowing, they might not be able to afford all this immediately on their own, but when they are able to afford it, they don't get labeled as newcomers( as the ones with new money in Titanic movie). Then there are people who can easily afford and are well versed with the 'high' life and are a part-and-parcel of the mall culture. And then there are people who are the backbone of the malls, the high-rise apartments: the drivers, security-personnels and other service-providers who don't dare to be a part of this culture even in their dreams.

So while I sit in AC bus, the driver's cabin is non-AC. While I travel in AC coach, there are 2 AC coaches and around 16 sleeper/general coaches in the same train. I work inside a nice swanky, air cooled office, the guard stands at the main gate in the sun and insurance agents are giving away their cards,under the sun. It feels bad when a person much elder than me calls me 'Sir'.

This makes for an interesting telling. In our office we have a large lobby. People after taking their lunch, take a post-lunch walk there because they can't go out in the sun. Now while people(including me) walk to-and-fro in the lobby, the sweeper keeps sweeping the floor from the opposite end. It feels bad and amusing at the same time. And he works with such a devotion!

I don't say that it is their's or somebody else's fault. Everybody's life has so many variables that I don't think any one or group of individuals can entirely determine the course of one's life (one of my learnings from my life!). Someone has rightly said, every work is important work.

1 comment:

  1. nice to know you finally realised it! I would like more people to realise that and then sink that in their conscience to the extent that it becomes instinctive. So the next time one gets in a brawl with an autowaalah or rikshawwaala.. he doesn't utters..."teri aukat kya hai?". One should thank his birth for being in a vantage position in comparison to others! Respect for humanity, and not stature is what this world needs!
