Monday, August 12, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S, S2, S3, S4 and beyond

Samsung Galaxy S, S2, S3 and S4 are the flagship models from Samsung for its android range of smartphones.  As Samsung occupies and has maintained top position among android phone makers, analyzing the trend in the hardware advancement of the Galaxy S range gives a good overview of the general advancement in mobile hardware(for android).

* CPU performance comapred from (scale of 10)
*GPU performance compared on basis of data from several sources(scale of 10)
*other data taken from

Some observations from above visualizations:
  • The wait between successive models has decreased from 14 to 11 months
  • While raw CPU performance, GPU performance, Screen size  have increased continuously, the increase in amount of RAM, Mega pixels of camera and Pixel density is staggered
  • The increase in CPU performance,GPU performance and the Screen size has been relatively slowing down year to year.
As the rate at which performance and screen can be improved slows down and hardware starts becoming pretty standard across models, it will become more and more important to differentiate the phone models on the basis of  features other than pure performance(which Samsung has done till now).
Differentiating on basis of software features in the regime of android is difficult(all models run android!) so may be, the good old days of colorful phones of numerous form factors is not far away1 (design would be a basis of differentiation) :)

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