Friday, November 1, 2013

Stuck with slow slow internet on PC? Some things you can try!

So you went home for vacations and were banking on your mobile / dongle's internet pack for internet access. The slow internet might be just ok on your mobile phone but it's absolutely frustrating on your PC (laptop / desktop). But now you are stuck with snail paced internet which is ruining your vacations?

Try the steps below to have a relatively primitive but better experience of internet on your PC:

1. install  the plugin "User-Agent Switcher" for your PC's browser (Chrome/Firefox ) and change the user-agent of your browser to iPhone (Nowadays almost all popular websites are designed to deliver different optimized versions for different devices. The user-agent of your browser tells the website server the type of device which is requesting the website. Through this step, we are basically trying to trick the websites you will be visiting into thinking that you are visiting them from an iPhone so that server sends a version of the website optimized to be simpler and faster to load i.e pages with compressed images). The plugin can be found at: (firefox)  (chrome)

2. the above steps should ensure that mobile versions of websites are loaded but if it doesn't for some reason, try manually using mobile versions of websites ( e.g instead of

3. use versions of websites without https (SSL) e.g use instead of

To get back to normal browsing, set user-agent back to your browser's default (e.g Chrome->default if you are using Chrome).

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